Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Family Photo Shoot

A couple of weekends ago we had some family photos taken on Lake Tahoe for our Christmas Cards. Every thing was going pretty well that day. Mack fell asleep on the way over and I thought perfect she should be fine when we get there. She was so crabby the entire time and only wanted to sit with me and have me hold her. So, with a bunch of patience from my friend Cody that took them and 12 or so good photos, we successfully finished and here is what we got... 

Which one would you choose for your Christmas Card?

Monday, December 6, 2010

Baby Fever

Every time I hear someone is pregnant around me my heart melts. I think about the Mack when she was little, and I miss it. I would love to get pregnant again, but then I really start to think...

* How the hell do people afford to kids in daycare
* I can't be a stay at home mom financially

The biggest deal breaker for me is the cost of childcare. I can't even think to imagine the paying upwards of $1500 a month in childcare. It makes me sad, because Mack is cruising up on her 2 1/2 year mark and no real plans to get pregnant right now.

Financial responsibilities... stupid ones

* Snowmobile
* Truck
* My Subaru
* Credit Card debt

All of these things have to be taken care of and paid down quite a bit before I can venture into the pregnancy land again. For now, my goalie remains in front of the goal. (IUD)

I want Mack to have a sibling she can grow up with and play with. I kinda also just want to get it over with.. no prolong it anymore than I already have.

When it is time, I guess I will be able to get pregnant again. But, for now, the biggest new years resolutions I have is.... minimize and become debt free. Sounds easy right.. ha not. 

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree

Weekends come and go so quickly it seems like. You get home on a friday night and a blink of the eye is monday morning. What the eff?

First of all Friday was my brother's 18th birthday. We watched movies and ate pizza and even gave him a beer. A christmas brew. I went to bed early and woke up the next morning with no intention of doing much and then all of sudden my brother and I are pulling in christmas boxes to the house from the garage. 

And then.... a christmas bomb went off in my kitchen and living room. My mom started putting things up and then we moved to the kitchen and starting dusting and cleaning the pop window in my kitchen. Oh, and then let's clean the blinds, and pull the coverings off the light fixtures and dust and clean them. It started to get a little crazy, but it looks real good now. 

Sunday, we went to go and get the xmas tree. We have high vaulted ceilings in our house in the living space, so we got a 12 FOOT TREE! It's a bit ridiculous, but I love it. I had to use a tall barstool to decorate most of it. Mackenna handed me ornaments and watched Christmas movies on the couch. 

Here is the final product. Kind of a bad photo. (Disclossure, I don't have the world's crappiest camera, I just use my droid phone a lot. It's so handy not too.) 

Friday, December 3, 2010

McFatty Friday

It's been a month and I'm still going to the gym and trying to get this bod back of mine. It's been in hiding the last few years and I'm ready to bring it back out to the world. Hard work is going to get me there.

I go to the gym almost everyday for the last month and a half. I'm going to start going on saturday morning's and boost it up to 6 days a week. 

Here is a routine that I'm trying to stick with. 

Monday: Cardio + Toning
• 5 minute Warm up on treadmill
• 10 minute Jog on treadmill
• 5 minute Cool down
• 3 sets Lat pulldowns
• 3 sets Bicep curls
• 3 sets Triceps pushdowns with rope
• 3 sets Dumbbell front raises
Tuesday:  Just Cardio
Wednesday: Cardio + Core
• 5 minute warm up
• 3 sets Crunches on stability ball
• 3 sets Plank
• 3 sets Bent knee hip raises
• 10 minute  treadmill
• 5 minute Cool down
Thursday: Just Cardio
Friday: Cardio + Lower Body
• 5 minute Warm up on treadmill
• 3 sets Stability ball squats
• 3 sets Forward lunges
• 3 sets Lying Abduction
• 3 sets Lying leg curls
• 10 minute Jog on treadmill
• 5 minute Cool down
Saturday: 30 minutes Brisk walk
Sunday: Off

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Thankful Thursday: Ian and Texting

Ian has never been much of Texter. It drives me crazy. Sometime's I just wish that he would text me then just calling me for 20 seconds. That would never happen. 

It used to be the same answer over and over again. Ya, no, ok.

Boring right?!?

Since Mackenna has been going to preschool, I drop off and he picks up. Simple. However, I now get texts from Ian at least once a day... and they are actually a full sentence. What the?? Did I die and got to texting heaven?

I know this sounds kinda stupid, that I would be so thankful that I get texts from him. I may not get mushy text messages that say I love you I need you oh baby, oh baby. But, I do get text messages like..

what's for din din?
Is Mack at School?
Where are you?

I can text back 5 things and most the time I will just get a ya or ok! Lame right! I wish sometimes I would get love texts or just anything. That is just not Ian's style and I will just have to deal with it. 

Anyway, he has gotten better at it and I'm thankful for that. He doesn't like to text. I sometimes don't like to call, I'd rather text. 

Does your hubs text you more than a word?

By the way, I don't mean to throw this in here, but I do. The droid X
is the best phone ever. I love it and I'm in love. Take that Iphone users!

86. Egg nog lattes
87. Snow 
88. Christmas Music
89. Smell of Christmas tree
90. Xmas decorations
91. Peppermint mocha's
92. Baking
93. My sweet little family

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The official countdown...

1 Day until noel nights at northstar. Santa, starbucks and Sushi. 

3 Days until we go out and get our christmas tree and decorate

3 Days until Ian's Christmas party for work

18 Days until my christmas party for work: at the Ritz Carlton @ lake tahoe

19 Days until my aunt, uncle and cousin are here from New Zealand: We have plenty of snow and I can't wait to kick off the holiday's when they arrive and see my mom ball her eyes out. 

24 Days until Christmas Eve: Rum, egg nog and more Rum. And... I have 10 days off of work. 

25 Days until Christmas: Presents, and maybe bailey's and coffee and maybe a snowmobile ride on that day. Or be lazy and hang out and stuff our faces in pajamas all day. Either or I am cool with

27 Days until Seattle: Going to see grandparents, aunty's and uncle's in the northwest. Also, I want to catch up with a handful of friends as well. Mackenna and I are going alone, daddy is staying behind and Mackenna get's to go on the plane and not have to sit on my mommy's lap the entire time. Ya my 2 year old's ticket was the same amount as mine. Boo! 

I love this time of year. To get that cute beanie on and scraf hit the stores for christmas food, crafts and present shopping. Starbucks red cups and endless christmas music.

What do you have to look forward to this month? 

Monday, November 29, 2010

Blog Challenge.. Day 5

12 days of Christmas Blog Challenge

Day 1: Christmas/Holiday traditions
Day 2: Black Friday/General Shopping Tips & Tricks
Day 3: Most meaningful gift/best gift you've received
Day 4: Tips/Tricks to a Budget Friendly holiday season
Day 5: Favorite Holiday Movie/TV Show Special
Day 6: Gift ideas (what do YOU want? We all have family/friends reading our blogs...so let them know!)
Day 7: Holiday Craft/DIY (If you don't make anything, what do you WISH you could make?)
Day 8: Least favorite thing about the Holidays
Day 9: Favorite Holiday recipe
Day 10: Favorite Christmas Songs/Caroles
Day 11: New Year Resolutions
Day 12: Show us your decorations (indoor/outside)
Day 13: Favorite Cookie Recipe
Day 14: Oprah's Favorite Things: What item(s) would you want if you were in the audience

Hands down my favorite all time Christmas movie is: Bad Santa. 

What is there not to love.. it's hilarious and I like it because it's also something Ian and I can watch together, when Mack is in bed of course. 

My Favorite Lines:

Watching Boy: [stares at Willie] I saw you at another mall. 
Willie: Well, I'm happy for you. 
Watching Boy: If you really are Santa, you could do magic. 
Willie: [whispers] Wanna see some magic? OK, let's watch you disappear! 
[shoves him away

Willie: You can't drink worth shit. 
Marcus: I weigh 92 pounds, you dick! 

Kid: Your beard's not real. 
Willie: No Shit!It was real, but I got sick and all the hair fell out. 
Kid: How come? 
Willie: I loved a woman who wasn't clean. 
Kid: Mrs. Santa? 
Willie: No it was her sister. 
Kid: Good night, Santa. Good night, Mrs. Santa's sister. 

Ok, so this is not a kids movie by any means. I love it that it's adult humor and it's funny. It's one of those movies that doesn't get old for me. 

Other Favorite Christmas Movies
1. Santa Clause --> "Stung by a bee Scott?" "It was a big bee."
2. How the Grinch stole Christmas. (The one with Jim Carrey)
3. Frosty the snow man
4. Four Christmas's
5. Elf
6. Christmas with the Kranks

What are your favorite movies around the holiday's?

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Mackenna Monthly Update

Mackenna is two years and 4 months old this month.

* Count to almost 20 (with help after 10)
* Sing the entire ABC's
* Sleeping 8pm - 6:15amish (what time we wake up for school)
* Brushes own teeth

New Words:
* Tomorrow
* Come on
* Good Morning
* Night Mommy 
* She is getting really good with names

Really into:
* Toy Story
* Tinker Bell
* Walle
* UP
* Cooking in her kitchen. She is starting to make things for us to eat
* Trains 


12 Days of Christmas Blog Challenge - Day 4

Blog Challenge... Oops I started on day 4

Day 1: Christmas/Holiday traditions
Day 2: Black Friday/General Shopping Tips & Tricks
Day 3: Most meaningful gift/best gift you've received
Day 4: Tips/Tricks to a Budget Friendly holiday season
Day 5: Favorite Holiday Movie/TV Show Special
Day 6: Gift ideas (what do YOU want? We all have family/friends reading our blogs...so let them know!)
Day 7: Holiday Craft/DIY (If you don't make anything, what do you WISH you could make?)
Day 8: Least favorite thing about the Holidays
Day 9: Favorite Holiday recipe
Day 10: Favorite Christmas Songs/Caroles
Day 11: New Year Resolutions
Day 12: Show us your decorations (indoor/outside)
Day 13: Favorite Cookie Recipe
Day 14: Oprah's Favorite Things: What item(s) would you want if you were in the audience

** Ok, This is something that I really have a hard time with. Budget... not just Christmas. I have troubles keeping a budget when I go to the grocery store or the amount of times I should be going to Starbucks. Here is my attempt to give the best advice that I can give. **

Craft or Photo's: This year I have decided that we are going to get family photos done at Lake Tahoe this weekend and they will be the family gifts this year. The last few years we have gotten everyone in the family their gift and in the end Ian and I never exchanged gifts really for each other. This year I really want to make it about are little family of three this year and give a little something to each family member. Like the framed family photo and something to put into their stocking. 

If you want to give everyone in the family a gift then. What is your total budget amount of xmas shopping? Then pick an amount that you will spend on everyone. And... Stick with that amount. Remember Christmas is about spending time as a family and not the presents you give or receive. Like my grandma says every year to me, just donate food or toys or clothing to a food bank as a gift to me. That is what Christmas is all about. 

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

The Drive to work
My Front Yard
Another shot of the front yard
Temp this morning.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Transition to the Toddler Bed

My child loves her crib. I mean loves it. She would love to play in there with bert and ernie and monkey. She would actually get upset if you took her out of crib too soon. She liked to lay there for additional 15 minutes after she had woken up from her nap and in the morning. If you grabbed her out too early she would be so cranky.

I've been thinking about when the right time would be to take the front piece off her crib and let her be able to get in and out of bed on her own. I was scared she would freak and refuse to sleep in her bed with it being "The Crib". I thought it would be easier for potty training, and after 4 months of her second birthday I knew is was time for me and I hoped that she would follow. She never tried to crawl out of her crib, she just loved being in there. So, I never pushed her to go to the toddler bed.

She fell out of bed once or twice the first night, and then we had no issues. She now will open her door in the mornings come in are room and tell us to "wake up mommy and daddy." If not that she will knock on her door in the morning and say help me please. Or, she will call us.

She love's being able to get in and out of bed. It's such a relief. Now since she is able to be mobile in her room at night and in the morning. I wanted to really make sure that she couldn't get into anything. One morning, I woke up and she had pulled out every single one of the wipes out of the container. 

When did you decide to make the transition to the toddler bed. 

Crib with front Piece off
Mackenna showing off Bert.
She really wants you to meet bert
Another view.

Another View
Her room again.
Closet. Removed the doors. 
Showing off in her toddler bed. 

sorry for the crummy photos, I couldn't find my camera, I had to use my phone. : )
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Monday, November 22, 2010

Sounds of Morning

The sounds of my morning. I love the fact that I no longer wake up before anyone in the house is even thinking of waking up. I used to leave the house with Ian still snoring as I'm getting dressed and slip out the front door. I no longer wake up to the most annoying sound ever... the alarm clock. 

Now I wake up to the shower curtain scraping across the shower rod. (I don't care how ghetto it is I'm going to replace my decorative metal shower hooks with ghetto plastic rings.) I can't stand that horrid in the morning. I usually look at the clock now and see either 5am or 5:15am, when ever Ian finally decides to get out of bed. 

I hear everything in the morning he does. Sometimes I sit and think in bed, dear god I was never that loud in the morning, what is his issue. I hear the sink go on in the morning and not just turned on a little bit, the sink is turned on full blast. I can either hear him shaving, trimming his face, or hear him banging the damn sonic care toothbrush on the edge of the sink. Then the door flies open and the lights get flicked on in the room. Then there is the banging of the dresser drawers. The flop on the bed to for him to put his socks on. 

I know its coming then... he will wake me up in a minute. I either get my feet tickled or I know you will get mad, but it's time to wake up. Then I either raise up or not move and then I get a kiss. I hear him storm out bang around in the kitchen and the front door closes.

Some morning's he is really gone right away, other's he comes back in and asks... have you seen this? or he forgot something, or his lunch is sitting on the counter. 

This is when I usually go and take my shower... and then I hear my little mini me in her room. She now knocks on her own door, won't open it, but knocks for you to let her out. It's so funny to me.

I'm getting used to this 8-5 thing....

What do you hear in the morning?
How was your weekend?

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Baking... Tis the Season

Since it was snowing out I thought making sugar cookies would be fun to make. They were so good and Mackenna had a lot of fun frosting and the sprinkles.... were a hit with her. I think this evening I will make the christmas cupcakes. I can't help it. Im already in the christmas spirit.

We got another foot of snow last night and its still snowing outside. I think today im going to break out the paints and sneak out on Mack's nap and head down the hill to go see Harry Porter. I hope the movie is awesome because I will be driving in a storm to see it. : )

What are you doing this sunday?
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Saturday, November 20, 2010

Playing in the Snow

We played in the snow for an hour this morning. Mackenna loves snow. I was starting to get cold but Mackenna wanted to still play outside. I took her for a sled ride down the street. I think she ate about 4 cups of snow. What a great start to a Saturday. We going to spend the rest of the day cleaning up the house, baking sugar cookies and painting. 

Eat your heart out

I woke up this morning....

Mt backyard this morning.

My Front yard this morning...

And.. for kicks I had egg nog coffee this morning..

So far 9 inches of snow of the expected 3 feet of snow till Sunday. I will update later with some more 
photos of the snow. I'm so excited that we might take the snowmobile down the street. haha! enjoy
and no drooling on my blog. 
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Friday, November 19, 2010

McFatty Friday: Snow Dance, Snow Dance

Weekly McFatty Friday post is coming at ya. I've been going to the gym for 17 days now. (not the weekends). Although, I'm giving up my hour lunch everyday, I'm so happy that I'm going everyday, and I'm not taking any time away from my family in the evenings. So, its like win, win for me. 

Everyday before and after my workout I walk by the scale. It's right in front the frackn bathroom. I always look at it, but never get on the damn devilish thing. Is that weird...

Here is why... first of all I'm just stoked for myself that I've been going to the gym every week day for the last 3 weeks. I don't want to get discouraged that I haven't lost any poundage. I'm going to the gym to get in shape, be healthier and loose some pounds. However, I'm not going to be down on myself because the scale isn't moving. 

Sooooo... I will not go near that damn digital butt face. :)

I feel better with more energy. I'm not as sluggish in the morning and I feel like I can go forever and that is my goal for going to the gym to have a healthier lifestyle that I've lost track of the last 2 years. Kids do that I guess. ; )

On another note... we are expected to get a huge storm today. 3-4 feet in the sierra mountains and greater Lake Tahoe Basin. I'm jumping and typing at the same time. Snow brings a smile to my face. I love to run outside with Mackenna and stand in the dumping snow. I like to be inside working on a craft project or coloring with her or even reading and watching the snow fall outside the windows. It's just a happy content feeling. Also, with the snow we at least have one day together, just me and Mack, while the hubs goes out and snowmobiles. These are also some of my favorite weekend days when it's just us girls. 

See the purple spot by reno. I'm right at the point. We are in purple zone baby.
12" + tonight! Winter Storm warning in effect from Today-Sunday 4pm PST

I mean I love Ian, but sometimes we just need some time for just the girls right!!?! Did I mention that I would rather him go on Sunday's so I don't have to watch football. ha!

Hope everyone has a safe and fun weekend. I will upload some photos of the dump progress this weekend, if we still have power!!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thankful Thursday - Relatives meet USA

My Aunt Dayna and Uncle Jeremy
This christmas is going to be the best one yet of my existence. Ok, as far as I can remember them back. My Aunt (dayna) and Uncle (Jeremy) and Cousin (Jade) are coming to the United States for the first time ever from New Zealand. 

This is me in New Zealand 2005 in Queenstown. Price William was
there at the same time as me. 
Lil Background or reference my previous post Parents from Different Countries. Anyway for the purposes of this post I will tell you all again. My dad is American and My Mom is Kiwi (from New Zealand). So, I have family on each half of the world basically. 

Anyway, my mom's sister, my aunt. (are you confused yet... sorry!) They are coming to America for the first time ever this Christmas. Plus, they get to come to the most beautiful part of this country in my opinion Lake Tahoe, California and see snow in masses of amounts for the first time.

Scratching your head... Yes, New Zealand has snow in the South Island. I have snowboarded at every single of their 3 resorts. : ) However, this might sound silly, but it is more costly to fly to the South Island then to fly to Australia, which is like 4.5 hours away. Weird huh! Plus I'm sure you have all seen snow in the movies Lord Of The Rings... Ahh ha! I got the image in your head now. The entire movies were filmed in New Zealand and majority of it in the South Island. 

Sorry I went off on a tangent for a moment. My Aunt and Uncle live in the North Island on North Shore. 40 Minutes from Auckland, New Zealand. They have a lovely home right next to the beach in a highly nice area... (bitches!) Sorry. 
This is me and my mom is New Zealand, where my great grandma lived and
I visited as a little girl. (Please excuse the pajama pants, yes they have sheep on them.)

They will be coming to visit December for around 2 weeks, a week with us and a week in So Cal. You know the DisneyLand thing. My cousin Jadey will love it. This is so funny to me, but I will make fun of them just a little bit. They wanted to rent a car and drive the California coast. First of all, ya its a nice drive and its pretty but HELLO they live in New Zealand, where the entire country is boarded by Ocean. Why in the Hell would they want to drive the coast of California, go see something you haven't seen, because they have seen oceanthere entire life. (sorry aunty and uncle I'm just sayin).

I'm beyond excited to get on the piss (get drunk) on rum and egg nog with the family and watch my aunty get on a snowmobile for the first time and scream her head off. (It will be fun aunty don't be a baby.)

I am way more than Thankful that they are coming to visit my neck the world. I will post photos of their visit in December sometime. :)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Del Monte Fresh Giveaway Winners!

The winner's the Del Monte Fresh $25 
Gift certificates are....

#3 Lilmissrysmama


#18 Mandy W.

Congrats to the winners. I will be sending out an
email to you. You have 48 hours to respond, or a new
winner will be chosen. Thanks to all for entering. 
