Saturday, July 10, 2010

Evil Step-mothers, or are they?

After my parents separation when I was about 5 years old, my dad starting seeing my step-mom Tina. During my mom and dad's separation my dad moved to my grandpa's up the street, and we lived with my mom for awhile. After what seemed forever the divorce seemed final and my sister and I went to stay with my dad and Tina every other weekend. 

Tina was like a second mom for me. She always treated us as if we were here own. This doesn't sound like a evil step mom does it? Tina was a never a evil step mom, she loved and cared for us like any other child. Tina was in our lives for quite some time from 5 to the start of junior high. My dad and her decided to live in different places for awhile around when I was in 7th grade. 

We did so much together with our step mom growing up in those years. She got us really going into sports, soccer, baseball, and basketball. We did a lot of camping and outdoors adventures. One story I remember the most. Oh man there are a couple. I will just tell you a couple of quick ones.

Ocean Shores:
We went to ocean shores, Washington to go camping and such and I went out to Tina's car to get some games
and bring them inside and then it was soon discovered that I locked the keys in the car in the middle of 
know where. 

Mountains and River:
I was probably around 9 or 10 and we went camping around Mt. Rainer in Washington and
we went down to the river one day, because I remember it being a pretty nice day. This was no 
calm river and I remember it being raging. I decided to swing on a dead branch over the river and....
SNAP! There I went plunging into the river. Tina jumped in and save me and made me go back into the water right after. 

Several time outs, melted crayons on her back seat, fights with my sister Tina wasn't the normal evil stepmom
we did lots together. I thankful for Tina in my life. 

Sorry about this photo Tina! :)

Friday, July 9, 2010

Fat Friday

Hope everyone had a good week this week. It was nice to have only a 4 day work week because of the holiday. Well drum roll please.....

I'm down 10lbs!!

Like i said I've been using Isagenix for the last 3 weeks and being very strict with two shakes a day for breakfast and Lunch. At dinner, I have around 200-300 calories. Yes, that isn't much, but I told you I'm being very strict. Post baby body here I come right!?!

Anyone else want to join in with me on my Fat Friday's? Or anyone else doing any kind of weight loss or just
plain out just want to be healthy?
Link up with me.

Health Tip: refined sugars are hard for your body to processs and break down, that's why
sugar turns into fat storage. If you need a sweet to help you along your way try eating natural sugar items. Such as agave nectar, natural honey, or just natural unbleached sugar.

Chocolate Chip Recipe using Agave Nectar, no bleached sugar.

Things You'll Need:

1 and 1/2 cup Agave Nectar

3 Cups Organic White Flour 
1/2 cup Organic butter (1 stick)
2 Organic Eggs
1 tso. Vanilla Extract
1/4 tsp. Sale
1 tsp Baking Soda
1 tsp Baking Powder
1 Pksg. Organic Chocolate Chips

Side Note from me: I'm a organic freak so I use all organic products. You don't have
to, you can just use the agave nectar, but I must say using organic eggs makes the cookies taste
so much better :) 

1. Preheat the oven to 375. In a large mixing bowl, combine butter with Agave and mix well with a hand mixer. When combined, add in the eggs, one at a time. Add in the vanilla and mix well.

2. In the same bowl, mix in the baking soda, baking flour, and salt with your hand mixture. Add in the flour, one cup at a time, and mix well. Stir in the chocolate chips until combined.

3. With a cookie scoop or a tablespoon, scoop out the cookies onto a cookie sheet, leaving them about 2 inches apart in all directions. Bake until golden, about 10-12 minutes.

Don't forget to Link up for Fat Friday's!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

My Pop's is coming to Town

My daughter Mackenna's 2nd birthday day is on the 25th of July. We decided to have her birthday on July 31st instead. (Works out better for family). So, I asked my Dad if he would come down from Seattle, Washington to our place of residence in Lake Tahoe, CA. Recently my Dad just bought his ticket last week. So excited that he is coming and get's to be here for Mackenna's 2nd birthday party.

The Party!

I believe I've finally decided on a confirmed theme for Mackenna's birthday party. It's going to be Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. 
A cake I like, and would like to be attempted. 

If you have a 1-3 year old, I'm sure this is a favorite in your house as well. We did Sesame street for her 1st birthday party. Here is a photo of the cupcakes and cake I made her last year. 

This year it's going to be all about Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and his friends. I'm super excited and almost done making the invitations for her party. I will post photos of the invitations for tomorrow's post, so you can see them. 

I'm so Thankful that my dad is going to be here for Mackenna's Birthday and I took an extra two days off to hang with my Pop's. Hope he doesn't melt in the hot sun. 

What are you Thankful this week. 
Please don't forget to link up so we can all read eachother's thankful posts.

38. My Job. 4 year Anniversary Monday July 5th
39. My crackberry, I mean blackberry
40. Family Time
41. Rain, Thunder and Lightening Tuesday Night
42. No fires in Lake Tahoe yet
43. Softball on Thursday nights
44. Ian's Raise this week.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Blog Award and Who's Ian that I speak of?

Yesterday I received another blog award from the lipglossd mom. 

I received the sunshine award. 

This Wednesday I decided that I post so many photos of Mackenna and of me but, never really enough of Mackenna and Ian. Ian is Mackenna's daddy and my other half. We met 4 1/2 years ago in January 2006.  I was a little young one about to turn 19 and Ian was turning 23. Our brithday's are 2 weeks apart, but we are different signs. Ian has always been a hardworking and caring person. I've made him move 4 to 5 times in the last 4 years. He isn't so much of a fan of the moving part. We were living our young life partying, more Ian than me, and doing what younger couples do without children. Later Mackenna came to our surprise and I found out I was pregnant in November 2008. We have been experiencing the new parent life together for the last 2 years. I'm not going to lie it's been tough, there have been arguments, a day without speaking to each other, you know the normal new parent struggles. Being tired and with emotions don't mix to well. Here we are today and Mackenna will be two this month. Ian has been a great daddy and  loves Mackenna. 

Mackenna and Dadddy, love you guys!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

New Comment program and Look

Well, I feel bad when I can't reply to all of your awesome comments and I reply back on your blogs on a post that doesn't make any sense. Anyway, I hope that I have fixed that. I have downloaded a comment program called Intense Debate Comments. 

Check it out if you are interested in changing your comments and please let me know if you have any problems with my comments. 

Have a great day bloggers!

Tuesday Meal Plan

Since yesterday was the reserved holiday for 4th of July,  I didn't get a around to posting our Monday Meal Plan for the week. So, I'm going to post it up today. We had a great time on Sunday. We spend all day at west end beach @ Donner Lake. I live in California in the sierra mountains, so due to such high fire danger no fireworks are allowed. I'm used to living in Washington State, where you can buy up all kinds of fireworks and light them off. Anyway, we spend all day at the beach BBQ'ing, swimming and hanging out. The firework show at Donner Lake was another good one this year. 

Turkey Meatloaf, Veggies and Garlic Mashed Potatoes.

BLT's w/avocado and Salad

BBQ Chicken, Couscous, and Salad

Pineapple Sausages and Salad

 Cheeseburgers and Salad


Chicken Strips and Salad

What are you having for dinner this week? Do you have a meal plan. 
Link up to me with your meal plans. 

Friday, July 2, 2010

Fat Friday.. Progress Report

Progress Report.. 

So I've finally approved Fat Friday #4. I've been going strong for the last 2 weeks since I talked about the father daughter weight loss challenge. Well today marks day # 14 of the weight loss challenge and I'm down 10lbs. 


I've been on this product called Isagenix. 

You will get great results. I started Isagenix in January 2010. I lost 13 lbs and 14 inches off my body in just 13 days. My aunt who did a 60 day cleanse lost 14 lbs and 18 inches in the first 2 weeks of the product and is about to order her 2nd 30 day cleanse to reach her health goal of 30lbs. My friend gabe, and fellow mentor for the product, got down to his high school weight in 9 days and his mom down to her lowest weight since she was pregnant 20 years ago with her first child in just 9 days.
If you are ready to obtain you desired health goal and or restore your natural energy, please contact me either by email or phone. Also, I would like to get you in contact with a cleanse coach. His name is Gabe Gannam and he will make sure that you are set up for success. What is your contact phone number? What is the best times of the day for you so he can call and go over packages and products and make sure that you are know all there is needed to know about the products?

Email:    Cell: 530.414.4155

Please take a moment to watch the movie links below. 

Are you Toxic?

Transform your life..

Lastly, this is Susan Sly's site, who is a cleanse coach that I am working with directly. She's a wife and mother of 4, who makes 1.2 Million a year in Isagenix. She has written 5 books, been feautured on television and numerous publications internationally and trained on stage with people like the late Jim Rohn. She and her husband are involved in numerous charities throughout Africa and Asia. Check out the interview from ABC on her website. She has an amazing story and is one of the most selfless and genuine people I have ever met.
