Wednesday, June 30, 2010

My First Trip To Alaska... and my dad's King Salmon

My dad just got back from his fishing trip in Alaska. My grandpa owns a few fishing lodges in Ketchikan, Alaska. I can still remember my first trip to Alaska. My dad always told me that I was allowed to go when I turned the age of 10. I think he was pulling a number out of his ass at the time, but you are fishing in the ocean and you need to be old enough to understand certain things. Anyway, I remember the day we went and I was so excited, because not am I going fishing for the first time in Alaska but I got to hang out with my dad for a whole week just him and me. 

I got all my fishing gear the Christmas prior to the summer that we went. Let's see I was 10, 13 year ago, so it was 1997 when I went to Alaska. If you haven't been to Alaska, it's one of those places you have to go to. It is the most beautiful place. It's quiet, serene and so much beauty to take in. You wouldn't think so but, it actually get's hot there. I remember being super hot one day and stripping all my layers and rain gear off. Anyway, back to my story. We stayed at my grandpa's lodge called Silver King Lodge. It's on grant island and the only establishment on a 500 acre or so island. So, it's you and the deer my friends. :)

Here are actual pictures of my grandpa's fishing lodge. 

So while my dad and I were there, back when I was 10 on my first trip I fished the crap out of him. He couldn't believe how many times my rod was going off. We also went charter fishing and I caught halibut and I believe it was the first time my dad has ever caught halibut. 

Anyways my dad was just up there and here are some of the fish he caught...

21.5 lb King Salmon

I wish I could share some of the photos of me and my dad when I was 10 fishing in Alaska. Since there was no such thing as a digital camera back then, i'm going to have to find the photos in the photo box and scan them one day to my flash drive. Some in the future, we will have to revisit my first fishing trip to Alaska.

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  1. Following you from Organic Moms on MBC!

  2. Alaska is wonderful! We cruised there several years ago, but we were the youngest couple by at least a decade or two! :)

    I came from MCB to follow you too!

