Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Isagenix Week #2

First of all I'm sorry for the late post, I've been so stinking busy. 

Things are getting easier and easier and I'm sticking to it. You know when things just click, they just CLICK!! 

I've been going to the gym the last week every week day on my lunch. I would love to enter in on a saturday, but maybe I should make it a non-gym workout day and to a run, long walk with Mack, or soon very soon... swimming. 

Cuz Bra's and Gal's it's getting warm here in Northern California. Finally. 

In a way this week has been tough because I haven't gotten the results on the scale that I wanted and that is ok. Because I've been going to the gym and I regaining muscle, so their are times when the scale with go up and down when you add working out and weights into the mix. Maybe I will hold off on the weights and just do all cardio for the next 2 weeks. Actually, that is what I'm going to do.

Here is the run down Bloggeee's. 

Total Weight loss this week 2.6 Pounds! 

Weight Loss so far: 7.26 pounds
Weight left to loose 52.7 pounds

10 Pounds (April 10th)
20 Pounds (April 20th)
30 Pounds (May 20th)
40 Pounds 
50 Pounds 
60 Pounds (Jump Up N Down! Party)

I'm feeling good and proud of myself. Cheers to week #3.

* Isagenix is a cleanse program targeted to regain natural energy and natural weight loss. The opinions of the product and the results are my own . If you are interested in using the products, please visit. *
