Thursday, April 21, 2011

Mountain Mum Letter's

Dear Mack: Daddy always seems to go first all the time, So this week you are first. You are becoming more and more testy and challenging with discipline. Mommy doesn't like putting you in time outs and I don't like having to punish you. So, be a good girl this week and listen to mommy. You have completely wow'd me on the other hand with you potty training. You have been doing so well and going poop for the first time at school and at home. Dear Ian: I love our nights on the couch after Mack is in bed and we watch our favorite tv shows. I didn't make it till the end of shows this week without falling asleep first, but there is always next week. Dear Directv DVR: I'm so glad you are there to record our shows, because I would never be awake for any of them. Dear Spring: it's nice to see no snow in our forecast the last 2 weeks. So, please be sure to continue to bring us sun and rain showers only. Dear Mack: I can't wait to go on the easter egg this hunt and have your real first easter this year. 
