Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Blog Under construction.....

Please bare with me. My blog is under construction and being redesigned with a new design.

It's currently being designed by Jumping Jax Designs.

Check out her site @

Thanks for stopping by and reading... 

Sick, Father's Day, New Pool

First of all let me say sorry that I have posed since last Friday. 
I was super sick this weekend. I think allergies have taken over my body.

Anyways, friday night I got to hang out with Autumn while the boys were celebrating 
her finance's bachelor party. We hung out drank and got a little to silly and crazy that night.

Let's just say that it took me most of Saturday to recover from the event's of Friday night.
 Mackenna and I went to Target and Trader Joe's and got a few things. 
A new pool, golf ball set, and a new swim suit.

She loved the new pool and thought it was the best ever. Also, I never
would have thought that she would have liked the golf balls and clubs so much. She played with
them for over an hour.

We had a awesome Father's Day! We BBQ'd with Ian's parents and also got a lot done around the 
yard. I swear the pine needles hadn't been raked in like 5 years at this house. Ian mowed the lawn,
weed wacked. I shoveled and raked pine needles and pine cones, for what seemed like forever! :)

Ian had a great 2nd Father's Day with Mackenna. She is so lucky to have a 
great daddy!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Fat Friday #3

I'm on the 3rd day in the challenge with my dad. Which is who can loose more 
weight by the time he comes to visit me next month.

So far so good, down 8 pounds. Weeee!
My Dad should be sacred!!

Ian is off to go out for the bachelor party tonight for Tyson and Autumn's wedding.
They have a presidential sweet at the Grand Sierra Resort. Drinking, strippers, and the list goes on :)

Tonight I'm going to hang with autumn at my house and have a girls night of watching Sex in the city 
and making tequila and squirt drinks, and pizza. Ahhh, sounds delightful on a friday evening. 

This weekend is father's day. 
This will be Ian's 2nd Father's Day.
He is a great Dad to Mackenna and we are both lucky to have him.

What are your plans for Father's Day?
Any Father's Day gift Idea's?

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Thankful - for a lot

I couldn't pinpoint one thing this week for what i was thankful for....
It's hard when you have several things..

Ok, FINE! I will just go with one thing...

I'm super thankful because we moved into a new place a couple of weeks ago.
We lived in a townhome that was attached, which I'm sure you all know what it's like to be 
attached to someone else's wall. It just plain sucks.

I was entertaining the idea of moving. I hoped on craigslist and was looking for houses.
Now we paid a lot for our attached townhome. $1400 a month. 
So, I looked and looked at several places and finally I was about to just give up on the 
whole thing. Then one evening I was at Safeway.

Side note: Safeway in Truckee, CA is one of the only grocery stores in town
so you can't go in there without seeing anyone you don't know. It's immpossible.

I ran into a friend that I used to work with and she told me that she was moving our of her
3 bedroom house. I was like sweet. I took Ian by and it was exactly what we were looking for.
3bedroom, 2 bathrooms, 2 car garage, wood burning stove.

Another side note: Woodburning stove in the Lake Tahoe, CA area is a huge must. 
Saves you a ton of money on Gas/heat. Our gas bill could be over $200 in the winter easily.

After looking at this place I wanted it so bad. So, I went ahead and put our notice in and we moved
in 30 days later. We lived at our townhome for 3 years. We had tons of stuff that needed to be sorted and
gone through to make sure we needed all of it. In a way I like to move, because you get a chance to 
purge through all of your stuff and clean stuff out.

So happy we moved and now we have a house! It's a little more than our place now
$1550, but the extra $150 bucks is worth it to sleep better at night and have a little more
privacy and a house that you can jump around and bang around. :)

Other things I'm thankful this week.

16. 30 hours of overtime on my paycheck
17. Our new place and how it's working better for us.
18. I'm still thankful for our new bed. :)
19. Mackenna is back on her normal bedtime
20. Quality food and things to eat
21. Starbucks...
22. Caring and loving Spouse
23. My 20 new followers

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Weight Loss Challenge: Father Vs. Daughter

I was talking to my dad last night... catching up since I think he only calls me like once or
twice a week... ;) 
So, I was talk to my Dad and he said that he was "Fat" 
Oh Jeez, I know the feeling... I'm trying myself to get myself back into shape
and hopefully my ultimate goal is to get back down to my high school weight. :)
We shall see how that goes.

Here's how the challenge started...
I basically told my dad that he needs to be down here for Mackenna's 2nd birthday 
because he is slacking in the grandpa department. So, he told me that he was going 
back on the Adkins diet. My dad has always been successful on this diet, because all
he usually eats is meat and salad. My dad isn't huge on sweets, but he will jump after anything

The Challenge.....

So, my dad said that he can loose more weight than me by the time he comes down for
Mackenna's Birthday at the end of July. Seems like a reasonable amount of time. 

I'm pulling the no fair card already after I've been thinking about it. 
MEN! always loose more weight and faster than woman. 
I'm really going to have to get on top of my game, so I can kick my dad's butt.
Side note: My family is very competitive and no one likes to loose at anything.

So, the Challenge starts today in my opinion. The sooner the better.
Wish me luck and I will reveal the winner in about a month. 

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Work, School, Mom = Hectic Life

I'm a full time working Mom/Student.
Mackenna now... she will be 2 next month (Yikes)

I work on average of 50-60 hours a week at work, pulling in about 20 hours a paycheck in
overtime. Sometimes I get stressed because some weeks I hardly get to see my daughter Mackenna.
Not only do I work full time I go to School full time 30+ miles away from where we live.

We live in beautiful Lake Tahoe. Where it can snow 3 feet of snow in 
a matter of hours. I love living here, but when you have a busy schedule such as 
mine, the snow can get in the way.

My commute from home can turn from a 30 minute drive to 2 hours if we are having a 
really good intense storm.

Oh, back to the point...

sorry, I can get off topic pretty easy. So, I have a insane schedule, from juggling: school,
work, Mackenna, home life, my relationship with Ian.
It's gets very tiring and stressful.

However, most people think that I'm crazy and wonder how I do all of this:

Ok, here is my secret RED BULL!
I do have a problem and addiction to red bull, but this is hardly how I 
get through all of my daily tasks. I get through it because I have a lot of support. I try and 
balance out my work/overtime onto the weekends working from home when Mackenna is napping. I study
after Mackenna is in bed and I've cooked dinner. 

I may....
* Fall asleep with my books on my face
* Nap and Sleep fully clothed. 
* Hit my snooze button more than 3 times
* I may not wear makeup every morning
* lack in my social life
* sleep in my car at work for my hour lunch

I was in the middle of my undergrad degree in monocular biology and 20 years old when I 
found out I was pregnant with Mackenna Jane. I took 6 months off of school after she was born
and went back to school when she was 6 months old. It was the toughest semester of my life... 
but, that story of the toughest semester is for another day..
