Monday, March 7, 2011

McFatty Monday - Week #1

Successful week thus far. Sorry for the late in the day post. Never did get around to writing this post up on Sunday. Starting over and the first week is the hardest. You have to challenge yourself to stick with something and it can be hard when life just get's the way. 

I read this post by heir to blair blog. She has the best blog and I enjoy reading it. Again, I give her credit, because she is the creator of McFatty Monday. Anywho, she wrote a post about "it clicked" she said in her post when did it click for you. It really clicked for me when I have a whole closet of clothes that I miss and remember feeling good in. Also, reading Tiffany's progress on She has lost over 35 pounds in 10 weeks. Like wow! She is looking great.

So "It clicked" for me when I see people I know doing well with weightloss and health and even in my blogging friends. I love the fact that she has shared her challenges and her success along the way. She has been real about her fears and all of the goals that she has reached.

This last week was a challenge. Who doesn't love food and food in general. I do. I stuck to my plan and thank good for @Isagenix in showing me that I can be healthy again and in a natural way. 

Weight to Loose: 60 lbs

Weight left: 55 pounds

This week: Lost 5 pounds OMGeeee! 
10 Pounds by March 10th, 2011
20 pounds: (March 25th, 2011) Reward: Hair cut and color
30 Pounds (New outfit for summer)
Ok, I really need your help and support this week to help myself overcome the red bull and coffee while I'm working like a bee this week. Please link up with me if you would like to journey with me. 

* Isagenix is a cleanse program targeted to regain natural energy and natural weight loss. The opinions of the product and the results are my own . If you are interested in using the products, please visit. *
