Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Sccccchhhhhhooooooooools Out For Summer!

So today marks the last day of the spring 2010 semester. Thanks Goodness! It was a very long semester. Working full time and being a full time student and having a little 22 month old girl is not easy. It's been late nights, running back in forth between, home, school and work. It gets real tough when you don't have enough time for you all the time. I took 5 classes this semester and about killed myself, but then again I did it. Ian has been a huge help and without him school would not be possible for me. So thanks to Ian.

I finally decided to change my major and become declared. I changed it to Elementary Education. As long as I could remember I wanted to be a teacher, so for once I'm no longer doing what everyone else wants me to do, but what I want to do. So, I'm going for it. 

I can't wait for the summer to kick off and really get started. We are moving into a bigger place in a couple of weeks and everything is moving along nicely and smoothly. After I get the house and us settled, I can't wait to get back into my scrap booking and catch up on my reading and do some other projects with Mackenna. It's going to be so nice to be home for the summer and not to worry about when the next assignment, exam or paper is due.

Here's to a great Summer!
Kristina Jane

Monday, May 10, 2010

Las Vegas for Autumn and Jessica's Bach Party

Couple of weekends ago 8 girls and 2 brides were hitting up the strip in Las Vegas. It was an awesome weekend. Plenty of drinking, gambling, poolside relaxing. I can't disclose all the details of the events of that weekend because, "What happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas!" I can't wait for the wedding in August. It was such a good time.
