Thursday, January 13, 2011

Want to know who I am?

I got this idea from some bloggy friends. Actually two the most read blogs by me. I went to high school with these to girls and one them I was present on her first date with now husband. Crazy right!? Please check them out. They have cute blogs and have awesome inspiring posts.

Please Meet:

The Tarr Pit - Alysha. She is a mother to Dawson and is expecting baby #2 in March. She has a wonderful loving husband and they live in sunny southern California. She writes about being a mom, being a wife, and having faith in her family and herself. She is one of my favorite reads.
The Forever Endeavor - Amanda. I mean I grew up basically with this girl. We attended the same school since elementary. She is one of those people that is so incredibly happy... she is contagious. You instantly feel happy. Although, we have grown apart and live in different states, I was able to reconnect with her through blogging and her blog still bounces out at you her happiness and love for life. 
The Forever Endeavor

I Am...exhausted today
I get everything that is planned for this weekend done
I Have...a procrastination and taking to much on 
I Wish...I lived closer to my family
I Hate...rude and inconsiderate people
I Fear...disappointing people
I Hear...The printer/copier and keyboard's typing
I Search...for contentment (is that a word) I want to feel content with my life. 
I Wonder...when I will be able to pay off this debt
I Regret...Spending recklessly as a young fella
I daughter, she lights my world
I Ache...when people around me are aching.
I Always...stress about everything
I Usually...make dinner - lucky husband :)
I Am Not...the best at expressing emotions. 
I Dance...with my child every morning before we walk out the door for school/work
I Sing... pretty much everytime I'm in my car. Mack says, "sing mommy!" My biggest fan. 
I Brussel sprouts. eww gross
I Rarely...raise my voice in anger, but when I do it's because something's really hurting me
I Cry...not as much as I probably should
I Am Not Always...the best wife and mother.
I mind when my house is dirty. 
I'm Confused...when Mack is waking up at 4am lately
I start hanging out with people I don't make time for. 
I Should...make a better effort to always have more time with my family

Who are you?
