Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mack's first dance class

Mack's New Ballet Outfit for class

Mack is in the dark pink shirt and black pants. 

Last week was Macks's first dance class. It was a ballet and tap mixed class. She loved ot and instantly made some new friends. We will be returning to class again this week. It was a great deal. $60 bucks for 4 classes a month. She loved the tap shoes and the tap dancing the most.

The studio I took her too was awesome. They were willing for her to try a class to see if she even liked it. The teacher was impressed with Mack's listening skills and paying attention to directions. This week we will be going again with mack's new ballet outfit.
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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Mountain Mum's Letter's

Dear Ian, thanks for being able to take care of Mackenna when I'm not at home. Whether it's working late at work, hanging out with a friend, or time for me to get out. I swear I don't snore, and I'm sure you beg the differ, last night your snores were louder than ever. Dear Mother-in-Law, thanks for taking me to sushi and the laugh about (shlong waxing). Dear Mackenna, you have been such a good girl this week and continue to be the best loving child anyone can ask for. You had your first dance class this last saturday and you looked to cute in your tap and ballet shoes. You melted my heart when you giggled and made new dance friends. I can't wait until your next class this Saturday. Dear Mom, Mack really enjoyed coming to meet you at school. No matter what you are there for us and me especially when I need someone to talk to. You don't judge and you always give me advice. Even though it may be something I don't agree with you still know how to be neutral person and guide me to being a better adult.  Dear Ian, Since you will now get two letter's since I always have so much to say too you.  I had so much fun with you and Mack on Sunday when we went to go and see Rango. It was fun to get out as a family and I enjoy are time together as a family.

* Remember to visit Amanda at Forever Endeavor and also check out the creator of the the letter's, Today's Letter's  * 

Monday, March 7, 2011

McFatty Monday - Week #1

Successful week thus far. Sorry for the late in the day post. Never did get around to writing this post up on Sunday. Starting over and the first week is the hardest. You have to challenge yourself to stick with something and it can be hard when life just get's the way. 

I read this post by heir to blair blog. She has the best blog and I enjoy reading it. Again, I give her credit, because she is the creator of McFatty Monday. Anywho, she wrote a post about "it clicked" she said in her post when did it click for you. It really clicked for me when I have a whole closet of clothes that I miss and remember feeling good in. Also, reading Tiffany's progress on She has lost over 35 pounds in 10 weeks. Like wow! She is looking great.

So "It clicked" for me when I see people I know doing well with weightloss and health and even in my blogging friends. I love the fact that she has shared her challenges and her success along the way. She has been real about her fears and all of the goals that she has reached.

This last week was a challenge. Who doesn't love food and food in general. I do. I stuck to my plan and thank good for @Isagenix in showing me that I can be healthy again and in a natural way. 

Weight to Loose: 60 lbs

Weight left: 55 pounds

This week: Lost 5 pounds OMGeeee! 
10 Pounds by March 10th, 2011
20 pounds: (March 25th, 2011) Reward: Hair cut and color
30 Pounds (New outfit for summer)
Ok, I really need your help and support this week to help myself overcome the red bull and coffee while I'm working like a bee this week. Please link up with me if you would like to journey with me. 

* Isagenix is a cleanse program targeted to regain natural energy and natural weight loss. The opinions of the product and the results are my own . If you are interested in using the products, please visit. *

Friday, March 4, 2011

Ready for the Weekend

I couldn't be more ready for the weekend. Seriously. It's been another tough week at work and just life. 

I'm super excited, tomorrow will be Mack's first dance class. So we shall see how that goes and if she likes it. Luckily the studio lets them do a free intro class. She loves music, to sing and dance, so I don't see why she wouldn't like it. 

Photo Credit 
I have a hefty list of things that I want to get done this weekend. Don't we all. Although spring doesn't come to the land of Lake Tahoe, CA until at least the middle or end of April. I have an itch to spring clean, organize and declutter the house. 

Have a great weekend all! 

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Time to pull the Goalie

I'm getting an itch for baby number two. More so to get it rolling and be done with it. No sense in dragging it out. I was looking at the old finances yesterday and well... yikes! 

However, there is some good news. My car is paid off next November... OMGeee! Which free's up around $420 bucks a month. There is a good chunk of change. Then I was browsing over the finances to see what we can cut and what else we can lower in order to put another child in day care. ($1000 bucks a month is murder). 

I did some calculations and well, we need to pay off all credit cards but two. Well that shouldn't be too hard right. I picked the best two we have for rewards, interest rates, cash advances, and over limit. We can totally manage to live off of two credit cards. I think. 

The Goal: Pay off all credit cards, but two by the end of November. Then, I say it will be time to "pull the goalie." I have an IUD and it's been a great goalie of defending the goal for the last 2 1/2 years. 

I figured then when the credit cards (but, 2) and my car is paid off we will have freed up enough money to live comfortably and have two kids in day care. Sweet, yes, success! 

It sounds so easy, but paying off anything can be challenge. The geek in me, it was time to make an excel spreadsheet and craft up some formulas. 

I did some screen shots of the budget. These are my real numbers for credit card balances and minimum payments. I don't want to lie and I want it to be as real as it can be.

We have some serious things to accomplish. We have $320 bucks a month extra to put towards credit card debt. I have crafted this spreadsheet to plan each month, which credit card will get the bulk of the extra payment a month and start to watch this numbers disappear. The number's in RED that's what we owe on the card. The line below that is the minimum payment to that card and the next column is the extra payment amount.

Sticking to a budget and goal is hard. Life throws you curve balls and thing happen. The important thing is not to give up but start over the next month and keep to the goals you have set yourself.

My goal is get rid the debt and get pregnant again. What's you debt goals? How will you achieve them? How did you conquer debt. Please tell me!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

The best view one can have for a 9 minute commute.
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Today's Letter Inspired - First Post

I've alway's wanted to write a letter and try it. I found this idea from my fellow blogger, The Forever Endeavor (her blog is awesome and she is awesome, so join the awesomeness and visit her). She in turn got the idea from letter's Today's Letter's. They have a cute blog and they write letter's to each other. Such a good idea. 

Today's Letter's: Dear Ian: I don't tell you all the time but I appreciate you and all you do for Mack and I. I'm so happy and excited for you that you passed yet another exam for work and another raise is added to your salary. I watched you boost your confidence since you have started this new job almost 3 years ago and your constantly raising the bar for yourself. Mackenna: you scared the crap out of me this weekend when you touched the wood burning stove and burned your hand. You cried and screamed and you have blisters to prove it. You are a strong kid. I slept on the floor of your room to make sure you were sleeping ok and tell you, "your ok", when you would stir and wake up in the middle of the night. Dear mother nature: thanks for the 4 feet of fresh snow you have graced us with. Maybe now L.A won't be in a drought and the lake's and river's will be full for summer. Dear Mack's Preschool Teacher's: you have always treated my daughter as your own. The love and care you show to her everyday is the best feeling in the world to a parent. She has learned more than you know and continues to grow and learn with you. 

P.S. Who would you write a letter too? What would you say? 
