Friday, December 10, 2010

Giveaway @ Happy Housewife Designs

Anyone think my blog is beautiful, bright, cheery and fun. Well you can win a custom made design by Happy House Wife Designs. She has done several blogs I read on the regular designs. She is so easy to work with and she has great work. 

I love my new design that she made for me a couple of months ago. You pick the design kit, she make it for you and will send you previews and even install it for you. 

Please visit her blog @ Happy House Wife Designs

And... Enter to win.

Here is a couple of more blog's she has designed.... for your drooling pleasure. 

Enter to Win @ Happy House Wife Designs 

Giveway closes on the 13th of December and the Winner is announced on December 14th!

McFatty Friday - Slacker

This week I didn't do so well at the gym. I only went twice. I know what a frackn slacker right. Do you want to hear my excuses... or not? 

1. I was sick to my stomach Wednesday and Thursday... I mean so sick I barfed like crazy on thursday and actually went home sick.

2. I've been cleaning at home like made for anticipation of my aunt and uncle's arrival to America next weekend. 

3. Ok, my office and craft room, that I have yet to do anything with since we moved into our new house in May 2010. Ya, well let's just say that I'm going to be working on it this weekend. If I'm brave enough I will share photos on Monday or maybe even tomorrow if I finish.

4. Overtime. I don't think I need to really explain, but we are slammed at work so I've been taking half hour lunches this week to push some volume out. So, half hour lunches means this cow can't go to the gym.

On a lighter note, I've only really consumed ginger ale the last 48 hours, so maybe it's ok that I haven't gone to the gym. After being so sick like that I have no motivation to go to the gym until at least next week. 

I feel like the month of November and December and going to the gym everyday is preventing from becoming a hippo in these months. All I want to do is bake cookies, cakes and pies and eat soups, breads and pasta. You know comfort food when it's cold and icky out. I will be glad when it's new years, then I will give up food until next year. Not quite but pretty much. 

How do you say no to sweets this time of year?
It's impossible and I just can't is my answer. 

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Thankful Thursday - Grilled Cheese & Twilight

Yesterday I was feeling way under the weather. I went home from work early due to some barfing and such. As soon as I got home from work I hugged the porcelain god and was feeling pretty ok. I went to lay on the couch and watched Matilda! I haven't seen that movie in years. 

Ian and Mackenna got home a couple of hours later. Mackenna and I snuggled on the couch for a bit, while daddy started a fire, ran to the store for 7up for me, and cooked grilled cheese and tomato soup. I ate the tomato soup and grilled cheese because I was so hungry. 

I'm so thankful Ian made dinner last night and even let me watch twilight, even though he cannot stand any of that crap and thinks it's lame. 

I'm also thankful he made dinner even though I barfed it up not long after. I felt so crappy not long after that I went to take a hot shower and then passed out in bed. 

Also, Mackenna played in her room quietly and in the living room. She must of known her mama wasn't feeling well, because I got cuddles and a happy nice girl last night. 

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Family Photo Shoot

A couple of weekends ago we had some family photos taken on Lake Tahoe for our Christmas Cards. Every thing was going pretty well that day. Mack fell asleep on the way over and I thought perfect she should be fine when we get there. She was so crabby the entire time and only wanted to sit with me and have me hold her. So, with a bunch of patience from my friend Cody that took them and 12 or so good photos, we successfully finished and here is what we got... 

Which one would you choose for your Christmas Card?

Monday, December 6, 2010

Baby Fever

Every time I hear someone is pregnant around me my heart melts. I think about the Mack when she was little, and I miss it. I would love to get pregnant again, but then I really start to think...

* How the hell do people afford to kids in daycare
* I can't be a stay at home mom financially

The biggest deal breaker for me is the cost of childcare. I can't even think to imagine the paying upwards of $1500 a month in childcare. It makes me sad, because Mack is cruising up on her 2 1/2 year mark and no real plans to get pregnant right now.

Financial responsibilities... stupid ones

* Snowmobile
* Truck
* My Subaru
* Credit Card debt

All of these things have to be taken care of and paid down quite a bit before I can venture into the pregnancy land again. For now, my goalie remains in front of the goal. (IUD)

I want Mack to have a sibling she can grow up with and play with. I kinda also just want to get it over with.. no prolong it anymore than I already have.

When it is time, I guess I will be able to get pregnant again. But, for now, the biggest new years resolutions I have is.... minimize and become debt free. Sounds easy right.. ha not. 

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree

Weekends come and go so quickly it seems like. You get home on a friday night and a blink of the eye is monday morning. What the eff?

First of all Friday was my brother's 18th birthday. We watched movies and ate pizza and even gave him a beer. A christmas brew. I went to bed early and woke up the next morning with no intention of doing much and then all of sudden my brother and I are pulling in christmas boxes to the house from the garage. 

And then.... a christmas bomb went off in my kitchen and living room. My mom started putting things up and then we moved to the kitchen and starting dusting and cleaning the pop window in my kitchen. Oh, and then let's clean the blinds, and pull the coverings off the light fixtures and dust and clean them. It started to get a little crazy, but it looks real good now. 

Sunday, we went to go and get the xmas tree. We have high vaulted ceilings in our house in the living space, so we got a 12 FOOT TREE! It's a bit ridiculous, but I love it. I had to use a tall barstool to decorate most of it. Mackenna handed me ornaments and watched Christmas movies on the couch. 

Here is the final product. Kind of a bad photo. (Disclossure, I don't have the world's crappiest camera, I just use my droid phone a lot. It's so handy not too.) 

Friday, December 3, 2010

McFatty Friday

It's been a month and I'm still going to the gym and trying to get this bod back of mine. It's been in hiding the last few years and I'm ready to bring it back out to the world. Hard work is going to get me there.

I go to the gym almost everyday for the last month and a half. I'm going to start going on saturday morning's and boost it up to 6 days a week. 

Here is a routine that I'm trying to stick with. 

Monday: Cardio + Toning
• 5 minute Warm up on treadmill
• 10 minute Jog on treadmill
• 5 minute Cool down
• 3 sets Lat pulldowns
• 3 sets Bicep curls
• 3 sets Triceps pushdowns with rope
• 3 sets Dumbbell front raises
Tuesday:  Just Cardio
Wednesday: Cardio + Core
• 5 minute warm up
• 3 sets Crunches on stability ball
• 3 sets Plank
• 3 sets Bent knee hip raises
• 10 minute  treadmill
• 5 minute Cool down
Thursday: Just Cardio
Friday: Cardio + Lower Body
• 5 minute Warm up on treadmill
• 3 sets Stability ball squats
• 3 sets Forward lunges
• 3 sets Lying Abduction
• 3 sets Lying leg curls
• 10 minute Jog on treadmill
• 5 minute Cool down
Saturday: 30 minutes Brisk walk
Sunday: Off
