Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Pst... my kid is the front of the train
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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Click's, weren't they suppose to stay in high school

Mack has been attending dance class for 2 months now. The kid loves it. I mean loves it. She get's to run around and listen to songs and make loud noises with tap shoes. 

However, I regret going every week. 

I love going to watch Mack dance and learn and grow with the other little chickas at class. It's the mom's that come along with there kids. 

Briefing: Lake Tahoe is a mixture of hippies, normal working middle class people (like myself), and stuck up rich snobs. Some of them only visit their second homes a couple times of year and some of the other ones are the douches that live here full time. 

Ok, back to dance class. Usually I can deal with these people and just think to myself, "why don't you stick it where the sun don't shine" and other times, I can't just brush them off. When people don't even say hi to you or even know your name, might I add, it kind of gets to you. 

My daughter is a lot like me. We are sociable and can make friends pretty much anywhere we go. However, this "clicky group of gals" are too cool for school I guess you could say. They are the prettied up mama's with their coffee in hand more worried about their recent gossip and there next coffee get together's rather than paying attention to their jerk of a kid. 

I thought click's were for high school. I guess some people just don't grow up. 

What really get's me is Mack claps and cheers for their kids and we try and be friendly and we get nothing in return. 

I will continue to put up with doushe bags, because my daughter loves the dance class and I'm not going to make her suffer because I can't remember to realize that they are jerks and nothing will change. 

Friday, April 22, 2011

Photo Organizing Project Part 1

Around 8 months ago my computer crashed. Ya hard drive after 18 months on a new computer completely crapped out. Me being dumb I didn't back up any of my photos. I know how stupid of me. It's so simple to do, but me being naive you never think you will loose anything on your computer. Ha. I lossed all of Mack's photos for the first 2 years. Super lame.

However, a friend of mine switched over one of the drivers and ram over to a back up one in the computer I was able to pull off all the photos before my computer took a dump the next day. Super ecstatic. 

I was looking over the photos and I didn't for some reason transfer the delivery photos and the baby shower. poop. I checked out Ian's old myspace page, which he never uses and thank god never deleted. There they were the delivery photos on his page. I quickly snagged them off of his page and I now have 24 photos I didn't think I would ever get back. phew. I mean I sweating bullets and just wanted to cry.

So I now have all my photos on a DVD. There are safe for now. Then I got to thinking my lap top which has been our back up computer for the last year is about 5 years old and I can't believe it is still kicking. literally. So, first order of business is to pull off all my photos from the last 18 months and back them up, before I'm super sad again. You can't get lucky twice in my opinion. 

I have been reading I Heart Organizing blog and Sunny Side up. These ladies/Mama's are pro's I tell you. They have all their books done and photos printed and I Heart Organizing did a month long photo organizing project back in February. 

I thought to myself I must get my act together. 

For the next month, I'm going to be challenging myself to these tasks:

A. Back all photos (1/2 done)
B. Create safe box or filing system for Mack's art work and keep sakes I want to keep and include in her books.
C. Print all digital photos and prepare to do 3 years worth of books. (yikes I'm a slack)
D. Order Amber Higgins book making kit. ( You have to check these out it looks so worth the $52 bucks. 
E. Organize photos into the years and stages of Mack's life.
F. Create Books. 

Seems like a simple and short list, but a lot of work ahead of me. Oh, and I will throw in finishing her baby book while I'm at it. Yikes!

If anyone is in similar shoes or behind in these departments, feel free to link up with me as we try and tackle the ongoing projects of photos. 

I'm so excited to get all of things done and making memory books for Mack to have when she get's older. 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Mountain Mum Letter's

Dear Mack: Daddy always seems to go first all the time, So this week you are first. You are becoming more and more testy and challenging with discipline. Mommy doesn't like putting you in time outs and I don't like having to punish you. So, be a good girl this week and listen to mommy. You have completely wow'd me on the other hand with you potty training. You have been doing so well and going poop for the first time at school and at home. Dear Ian: I love our nights on the couch after Mack is in bed and we watch our favorite tv shows. I didn't make it till the end of shows this week without falling asleep first, but there is always next week. Dear Directv DVR: I'm so glad you are there to record our shows, because I would never be awake for any of them. Dear Spring: it's nice to see no snow in our forecast the last 2 weeks. So, please be sure to continue to bring us sun and rain showers only. Dear Mack: I can't wait to go on the easter egg this hunt and have your real first easter this year. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Men who pee on the floor

I'm warning you... this is a rant. But.. you might feel the same way. 

I can't tell you how sick I am of cleaning pee of the toilet and floor. You would think after 28 years my other half could point, shoot and aim. I'm I wrong about this?

I nag and complain about it, but then it ends in a stupid comment from the other end and then I get pissed and walk away sometimes laughing on how stupid it is we are arguing over pee pee on the floor. 

What do you other woman do about this? Or is your other halves better trained?

I might have to make him sit down on the toilet if no improvement has been made. The one thing that get's me is that they can find a tinier hole at any hour of the day, moon or shine, but yet the huge porcelain bowl is unattainable for them to hit. 

Monday, April 18, 2011

Mack colors eggs

Tonight we decided to boil eggs and get our dye on. Mack had a lot of fun. She loved the sticker idea better the writing with chalk.

Dying eggs is one of my favorite Easter traditions.

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Saturday, April 16, 2011

We've gone poop'in

Exciting things happening in the potty training department. Mack has been able to drop a duce at school and at home this week. We are down to pull-ups only this week at night time. What a relief and I'm so proud of my little girl. boy, the sure do grow up fast. 

While we are on the poop subject, have you ever read or gotten your hands on the book called "Everyone poops book" 

It is a strange book, but it's a great book to encourage your little one to poop. Mack loves to look at it on the potty. 

Enough Poop talk for one post. 
