Friday, March 18, 2011

It finally works ::The Potty::

The battle of the "Potty" is starting to ease from war stage to just a disagreement. Mack has been doing great and has overall been excited about her own accomplishments too. 

I literally tried everything...
* Sticker Chart
* M&M's 
* Bribes 
* Making her sit there until she tried long enough
* Running the water out of the tap in the sink
* Distracting her by singing songs, counting, asking her questions.

I was starting to get frustrated myself. I just never thought that potty training would be so hard. I thought, you start sticking your kid on the pot and then they just get it after a while.I was so wrong. I admit, I didn't do any online research or read a book. I just tried trail and error with Mack and tried to see what made sense for her. Also, being a working parent and not being home with her all day was hard. 

It's finally just started to click with her. She does not like to be wet or have sticky stinky stuff stuck to her butt anymore. 

I basically was teaching her to us the potty from 6pm to 8pm. Between those times it was hard, 2 hours isn't long enough really to get her used to the potty. I've been lucky to have preschool help and ask her all day long and put her in underwear part of the day.

Pull-ups are worthless in my opinion. If you are going to potty train and your child seems like they are ready, then the diapers stop. Don't buy pull-ups in there place, they will just replace diapers in my opinion. That's where I made the mistake. Mack couldn't tell very well when she had to go when she had the pull up on. 

I learned they will have accidents and some times it will be messy. I just carry extra clothes and underwear wherever I go. 

Potty training is tough when you are out and about in public. Some places have bathrooms and some don't. Some are gross to put it mildly. I try and carry the disposable seat covers with me. They are pretty cheap and are life savers. 

I found that if I kept asking her over and over again she would eventually agree. Every night I came home from work, before I'd do anything I changed her in underwear if she came home from preschool in a pull up. She would be in underwear till bedtime. 

Potty training is difficult and challenging. There are some weeks where she acted interested and other weeks where she acted as if she had no idea what the toilet was. 

I feel we are on the home stretch of this potty training business. 

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Politics in the word Volunteer?

I'm one of those people that crave and need a busy life. I get bored and annoyed easily and I'm always looking for the next best thing. I really enjoy getting involved in my community, you meet people, not so great people, have fun and overall have the reward of knowing you have given your time and effort into something that is for a good cause. 

I'm not sure if volunteering your time comes with a child or what. I wasn't really interested in volunteer work until I had my daughter. Oh Mack I love you! Volunteer work is fun and 

I'm really getting into it. Until last night... 

I guess I never realized that there can be politics in the volunteer world. I mean shit, I'm tired of politics and the way things are run in my own state (bless California) and this country. The last thing I want to do is attend a volunteers meeting and feel like the independent party that doesn't have a chance in hell getting elected, listened too or feel valid.

The reason I volunteer for a certain organization and foundation is for the kids in our community. I help raise money and donate my time for programs for the kids. It's a great place for the kids to go and play, make friends and be creative. With recent budget cuts across the country and mainly our state, local grants are coming far and few. 

I'm not sure if it's because of where I live, but there are some mom's out there that think there shit don't stink and they are a A class mom because there kid goes to private school and I spend most of my time spending my husbands money, playing with my phone, talking shit and what they have and what they wear. I mean com'on. We are hear to raise money and give our time for each other's children. It's for the kids remember.

Last Week was the annual fundraiser for the local kids spot in our town. It's a museum type place for the kids to go play and do arts. When you have 10-15 feet of snow in your yard or get total for the winter, this place rocks to take your kid to for a couple of hours. 

Therefore, we have to be on our fundraising A games to keep this placed alive and be able to make changes and grow.

I'm just a little disappointed with some of the people on the board and committee and even some other volunteers that have lost sight of why we are actually there. It's for the kids. Not who is cool and who does what. 

Volunteers are selfless and overall good people, don't let the bullies and people that think they are better than you ruin it for you. 

What are your experiences with volunteering? Do share any frustrations? 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wordless Wednesday- Pineapple Express

Mack loves the rain. What kid wouldn't want to splash in puddles and be soaking wet. Throw an umbrella in the mix and watch the entertainment at your own risk. We started with rain tomorrow and now currently snowing.

Happy Wednesday!
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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Lady Gaga and Toddlers

My daughter Mack loves to dance and loves music. I'm not the type of mom to sing, patty cake, patty cake, twinkle twinkle. I'm just not I'm not afraid to admit it. Every morning Mack and I pick a song, mostly she picks, and we jam on the way to school. We have a 9 minute commute to her preschool so we can usually fit 2 songs. 

My daughter loves Lady Gaga. I mean who wouldn't. I love her too. 

Mack's new favorite song is bad romance. She actually sings the words. I give my kid credit, she has taste. If my daughter wanted to sing "Old McDonald" on the way to school. I would sing my lungs out with her to it, but she'd rather me bump "Alejandro" by Lady Gaga.

You should see her shake her booty to "I gotta a feeling" by Black Eyed Peas. It's priceless.

The best part of my day is our Jam sesh in the car, even if it's to Lady Gaga Bad Romance.

Friday, March 11, 2011

The Word "Remission"

I've heard this word before 8 years ago. After the experience and other words no one wants to hear. "Cancer". That word double sucks.

My mom was diagnosed with cancer's 8 years ago. She had a brain tumor. See post here: The Cancer Fight.

Anyway, my mom was told she had cervical cancer and a tumor in her uterus last year. I remember thing what the hell.. again? My mom stood strong and fought hard. Chemo and radiation for several weeks. It's almost be an entire year since her treatment was complete.

Earlier this week she went to the doctor for a check up visit. The doctor is was unable to locate any cancer cells and told my mom that she is officially in remission.

To hear those words again is a relief. However, it's also nerve racking because you just don't know what will happen.

For now "Remission" is a good word and Cancer Sucks!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mack's first dance class

Mack's New Ballet Outfit for class

Mack is in the dark pink shirt and black pants. 

Last week was Macks's first dance class. It was a ballet and tap mixed class. She loved ot and instantly made some new friends. We will be returning to class again this week. It was a great deal. $60 bucks for 4 classes a month. She loved the tap shoes and the tap dancing the most.

The studio I took her too was awesome. They were willing for her to try a class to see if she even liked it. The teacher was impressed with Mack's listening skills and paying attention to directions. This week we will be going again with mack's new ballet outfit.
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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Mountain Mum's Letter's

Dear Ian, thanks for being able to take care of Mackenna when I'm not at home. Whether it's working late at work, hanging out with a friend, or time for me to get out. I swear I don't snore, and I'm sure you beg the differ, last night your snores were louder than ever. Dear Mother-in-Law, thanks for taking me to sushi and the laugh about (shlong waxing). Dear Mackenna, you have been such a good girl this week and continue to be the best loving child anyone can ask for. You had your first dance class this last saturday and you looked to cute in your tap and ballet shoes. You melted my heart when you giggled and made new dance friends. I can't wait until your next class this Saturday. Dear Mom, Mack really enjoyed coming to meet you at school. No matter what you are there for us and me especially when I need someone to talk to. You don't judge and you always give me advice. Even though it may be something I don't agree with you still know how to be neutral person and guide me to being a better adult.  Dear Ian, Since you will now get two letter's since I always have so much to say too you.  I had so much fun with you and Mack on Sunday when we went to go and see Rango. It was fun to get out as a family and I enjoy are time together as a family.

* Remember to visit Amanda at Forever Endeavor and also check out the creator of the the letter's, Today's Letter's  * 
