Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Eat.Pray.Love - Love yourself

This weekend I watched....


This was a great movie. It reminded me to love myself and that some things just need to be about you. Also, that you don't need to be balanced all the time. You can loose some balance to love and be loved. I love Julia Roberts and this movie was just another foundation for the support and mental state I need to be in to make some changes. I will be posting about my proposed change tomorrow. So come back tomorrow and see what journey it is I begin. 

Photo Credit

My Favorite quote of the movie: 
"Operation Self-Esteem--Day Fucking One." 
— Elizabeth Gilbert

Will my kid pull the "my parents will never know" stunt?

I was sitting in the car with Ian and Mackenna yesterday on our way to the pet store. (Yes, I killed my kids fish and we had to go buy more) and was thinking to myself all of the things that I did that I thought and maybe my dad still doesn't know what I did behind his back. 

I sifted through memories of what I did to be a pain in the ass.

- I took $20 bucks all the time out my dad's wallet. (granted my dad pretty much knew. Like, my dad is stupid and didn't count his money in his wallet or knew how much was in there.) Ya, I was dumb and like heck my dad knew. Der!

- Said I was going somewhere and really wan't even playing on going there. This really didn't happen for me until I was driving. But, I did all the time. I said I was going there and no intention of going where I told my dad. (side note: I got caught sometimes because I locked my keys in the car at places I wasn't suppose to be at, don't worry though, I bought a hide a key and attached it to my car so that would never happen. Ya I got smarter.

- I forgot to get something signed or I just didn't want my dad to see the thing I needed sign. So, I became really good at forging my dad's signature. Like real good. 

- I had boyfriends and did some things. (don't need to discuss I'm sure) but, hey I was young and dumb and had fun. 

- when I was grounded or had my car taken away. I would leave and mark the tires with tape so I knew exactly how my car was when I left. Because my dad was a freak of nature and he would have noticed. 

I then thought, oh shit!, what if my daughter pulls this shit one me?!? Will I know about it? Will I also say, " I know what you do and when and have eyes in the back of my head so don't pull any shit on me?" 

Let's face it. I'm sure my dad lied to me and told me he knew everything to scare me so I wouldn't do it. There were sometimes it worked and I didn't do it because I knew he would know. and other times... I just said eff it and did it. 

I've come to the conclusion that I'm screwed and my kid will pull the same shit I did. It's just the way it is. I will do my best as a parent, like my dad, to teach her about important things in life that she needs to know. I think it is also, pay back. Like when my dad used to say, "wait till you have kids!" I'm thinking maybe he did know and wanted me to do it so that I will suffer later. He knew I would get my own and that I will get pay back. 

Anyone else thought of this? I'm glad they are young for a while, and that I have time to prep myself for these events. 

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Go seahawks!

Watching football. I hope my followers are seahawk fans.

Happy sunday. Let's hope my seattle boys win it to host the championship in seattle!

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Friday, January 14, 2011

Let's Celebrate...

Today is Ian's Birthday! 

January is a real busy month for us. It's our anniversary month, and both of our birthday's. 

Tonight we are going to celebrate by having a relaxing home dinner with the rents (parents) and then go out for some drinks downtown Truckee afterwards with some friends. It will be an exciting weekend of couch shopping, anniversary dinner, Ian's Birthday dinner, and a 3 day weekend. Woohooo! 

Happy Birthday Ian!

Photo Credit

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I'm going in insane.. cleaning

I'm not sure who keeps pricking me with needles with a voodoo doll because I have to clean every night and every time I get home. I will leave my clean house to come home to a mess. Is there house trolls that throw a party in my house everyday while I'm at work. I swear, they need to find a new house to party at.
Both the hubs and I work full time and that leaves us very little time after work to clean the house, prep dinner, cook dinner, bath's, stories, laundry.. etc. If you are a full time working parent you know how crazy it can be once you walk into the door in the evening.

I clean everyday when I get home, and I can't sit and relax because I know there is always something I need to do. It is seriously making me go insane, physically exhausted, no time to relax, no time to play with Mack. 

It's one of those self realizations.. "it's 8 o'clock already!" 

I'm going to start a cleaning Schedule, that I stick too. Just a couple of things a day that I can finish in 30-40 minutes a night. I hope not to start on them until after dinner and so forth. I also, want to split up the tasks between the hubs and I so I don't have to do it all. Plus, he will know what to do and maybe that will help. 

I don't have the cleaning schedule yet, but I will be making one soon. Any ideas? How do you get it all done? I need help!

Want to know who I am?

I got this idea from some bloggy friends. Actually two the most read blogs by me. I went to high school with these to girls and one them I was present on her first date with now husband. Crazy right!? Please check them out. They have cute blogs and have awesome inspiring posts.

Please Meet:

The Tarr Pit - Alysha. She is a mother to Dawson and is expecting baby #2 in March. She has a wonderful loving husband and they live in sunny southern California. She writes about being a mom, being a wife, and having faith in her family and herself. She is one of my favorite reads.
The Forever Endeavor - Amanda. I mean I grew up basically with this girl. We attended the same school since elementary. She is one of those people that is so incredibly happy... she is contagious. You instantly feel happy. Although, we have grown apart and live in different states, I was able to reconnect with her through blogging and her blog still bounces out at you her happiness and love for life. 
The Forever Endeavor

I Am...exhausted today
I Want...to get everything that is planned for this weekend done
I Have...a procrastination and taking to much on 
I Wish...I lived closer to my family
I Hate...rude and inconsiderate people
I Fear...disappointing people
I Hear...The printer/copier and keyboard's typing
I Search...for contentment (is that a word) I want to feel content with my life. 
I Wonder...when I will be able to pay off this debt
I Regret...Spending recklessly as a young fella
I Love...my daughter, she lights my world
I Ache...when people around me are aching.
I Always...stress about everything
I Usually...make dinner - lucky husband :)
I Am Not...the best at expressing emotions. 
I Dance...with my child every morning before we walk out the door for school/work
I Sing... pretty much everytime I'm in my car. Mack says, "sing mommy!" My biggest fan. 
I Never...eat Brussel sprouts. eww gross
I Rarely...raise my voice in anger, but when I do it's because something's really hurting me
I Cry...not as much as I probably should
I Am Not Always...the best wife and mother.
I Lose...my mind when my house is dirty. 
I'm Confused...when Mack is waking up at 4am lately
I Need...to start hanging out with people I don't make time for. 
I Should...make a better effort to always have more time with my family

Who are you?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

5 years

Five years ago I met the biggest pain in my ass  love of my life. Today marks 5 years.

2007 before Mack

I think back and it sure goes by real fast. I don't want to bore you to death with mushy and gushy words, because dur! You all know I love him and such.

Dear Ian, 
" We made it 5 years. We have set ourselves up a pretty good life together. We created the most beautiful daughter which has made our lives complete. You are the best dad. You care and love her and I'm grateful for that. I remember being too crazy kids living the kid-free life. There are some days where I miss it and some days I'm glad we are parents. Although, through the years its been tough, new challenges, new parents etc. We stuck it out and I come out of it pretty good. You are one person that can make me laugh and be mad in one day. Although, you still aren't very good at cleaning up your mess in the bathroom or pulling your dirty socks right side out. I love you. I hope in the future we have 1 or 2 more kids, buy a house, pay of debt and light your snowmobile on fire. Anyway, I love you and happy 5 years. I'm sure this year will be the best year yet together." 

1 year anniversary:  Dinner at Rapscallions, Seafood house

2 year anniversary: Jake's on the Lake, another fancy place. I think the best by far.

3 year anniversary:  Yes, roundtable pizza and salad. I was pregnant and happy with it.

4 year anniversary: Home cooked meal at home. filet mignon Yummers

5 year anniversary: I will be taking a account test. But who knows the possibilities are endless.

December 2010
