I literally thought of this idea to blog about when I was driving home from the store this last Saturday night. I tend to think a lot, too much, about stupid stuff, dwell, stress..etc. I think you get it right!
Once a upon a time I live in Seattle, Washington. I was born to an OCD father and mother. I didn't find this out until I grew older.
I lived with my dad full time. My dad was a complete clean freak, and almost to the point where he would drive one crazy. He also was not a morning person whatsoever, and disagree to agree.
Our rooms had to be clean and spotless. The old argument of "well it's my room I will close the door", didn't fly with my dad, cuz you see the sq footage of our closed door still belonged to him. So, our rooms were pretty clean for the most part.
Dishes in the sink. We would have to have a pretty good reason why there were dishes in the sink. I.e. the dish washer was either currently running or you were about to say I'm emptying the dish washer now.
If you were late for school or missed the bus. I would A. call someone else and try and get a ride. or B. walk to school and just be late. It was much better to be late for school then wake my dad up and get oscar the grouch on the way to school in the car. Usually he was not happy when he was awoken from his slumber cave to drive me to school if I was late.
There were times when my dad would tell me no. I couldn't do something I couldn't hang out with certain people, blah blah. The you cannot do list. Which I'm sure all of our parents have. I'm sure we have all thought to ourselves...
When I'm older and have my own place and my own house... I will
A. Buy whatever I want at the grocery store and will not have to answer to you
B. Stay out as long as I want and not have to check in with anyone.
C. I will leave my room a mess because it will be my own house
D. I will do dishes whenever I feel like it so there.
E. I will give my kids everything, because I know what it feel's like when someone tells you no.
F. I will not yell or discipline my kids like you yelled & disciplined me.
G. I will drive as fast and anywhere I want because I will be paying for my gas and my own insurance.
This list could go on for like forever.
My point of all of this. When I grew older I became a product of my parents. Geee imagine that.
I'm pretty clean and I don't like to leave my house or room a mess. I don't stay out late at all. My room can get a messy, but I usually clean it because it's just gross. I do dished if no daily every other day. I do not give my daughter everything, I say no and I don't feel bad about it. I have disciplined Mack for doing things wrong and not listening. I am cautious when driving because I don't want to have to pay money for tickets and higher insurance.
It's funny when we are younger and think of all the things we cannot wait to do when we get older and live our lives without our parents. Everything I said I was going to do when I got older I don't do. It makes me laugh now about how rough I thought things were. The real world can be nasty and spit you out, but you parents raised and taught us certain things not to make them the bad guys, but teaching you to be realistic.
I hope I can teach Mack the same things I was taught from my parents.