Memorial Day weekend we packed up the Subaru and headed down to So Cal to vist Mackenna's grandma. After 8 hours of driving we were glad to almost make it to Thousand Oaks, but we hit traffic at the Grapevine at 1:30am. They had it blocked off to one lane. In L.A, are they nuts! So we arrived in Thousand Oaks around 2:30am. Mackenna went right back to sleep pretty quick. The first day we kind of lounged around since we were still tired from the drive. Our poor cat got an absess while we were gone, so Ian was a little worried while we were gone, since Smokey had a hole in his head. He went to the Vet and he is fine, and is looking a lot better now. The next day I was able to drag Ian out for a drive in Malibu, downtown L.A. and Hollywood. He wasn't too impressed with the Traffic. Me, on the other hand, really enjoyed myself. Small town people, can't appreciate the city. Mackenna had a blast playing with her Grandma, Sky and Uncle Drae. We bought her a swimming pool down there and she played in it at least twice a day. My arms got really burnt and 2 weeks later peeling. It was a good time.