Monday, April 18, 2011

Mack colors eggs

Tonight we decided to boil eggs and get our dye on. Mack had a lot of fun. She loved the sticker idea better the writing with chalk.

Dying eggs is one of my favorite Easter traditions.

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Saturday, April 16, 2011

We've gone poop'in

Exciting things happening in the potty training department. Mack has been able to drop a duce at school and at home this week. We are down to pull-ups only this week at night time. What a relief and I'm so proud of my little girl. boy, the sure do grow up fast. 

While we are on the poop subject, have you ever read or gotten your hands on the book called "Everyone poops book" 

It is a strange book, but it's a great book to encourage your little one to poop. Mack loves to look at it on the potty. 

Enough Poop talk for one post. 

Monday, April 11, 2011

McFatty Monday: Isagenix Week #3

Weight loss is one of those things that just takes work. I recently, meaning last Thursday, had my IUD removed. I think this was one of the many contributors to not being able to loose that much weight and only pounds at a time. Ever since I've had it removed I feel so much better physically and emotionally. However, I've been more tired then normal the last 4 days and kinda in la la land sort to speak.

It's amazing how messed up your body gets when hormones are taken away. I feel just odd a little bit the last few days but that is ok.

Also, this week I've felt inspired. I have two favorite McFatty Post blogs I love to read. 

The Heir to Blair - Blair is so honest about herself and her Journey. Love, Love her.

Mom-Nom - Tiffany has been on a system called Medifast for 14 weeks and has almost lost 50 pounds! She is truly an inspiration and OMGeeee she is looking good ladies. Pop on over to her blog and see how she is doing it. 

Weight loss to Date 8.4 pounds

Weight left to loose 56.6 pounds left

Set backs for me this week are getting my IUD pulled feeling out of whack and my emotions all over the place. My stomach has been bloated and uncomfortable since last Thursday. 

However, I visited the gym this week 3 times. I trained on the elipitcal and treadmill at the gym and an extra run after dinner one night a mile and half. 

This week I burned 1,300 calories from 3 days at the gym and a 1.5 mile run. 

I'm so pumped this week and cannot wait until next week. I'm planning on hitting the gym 5 days this week. 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Coffee in silence

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Some Morning's I get to have 20 minutes or so before the peanut wakes up. It's not every morning, but on occasion I get that time. It's nice to have a cup of coffee in silence, write a blog post, read my favo blogs, or just sit in silence and watch the news. To have 20 minutes of silence before the hustle begins in the morning for preschool and work is so nice sometimes. I get to think about the day in peace, maybe write up a post (ahem like now) or catch up on my favorite blogs. Whatever it is I decide to do, it's nice to have that time to myself. The man is off to work already and it's just me and Mack in the morning's. 

Sometimes I wish I could stay at home in my Pj's all day with Mack, but this woman here lives real life I guess and goes to work because I need to. Which is ok, I get the morning routine with Mack and she gets to go to preschool and be with her friends all day. I'm glad I'm a working mom, because she loves going to school and I couldn't imagine keeping her home all day with me. 

Happy Thursday!

P.S. Do you have silence by yourself? What time of day?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Isagenix Week #2

First of all I'm sorry for the late post, I've been so stinking busy. 

Things are getting easier and easier and I'm sticking to it. You know when things just click, they just CLICK!! 

I've been going to the gym the last week every week day on my lunch. I would love to enter in on a saturday, but maybe I should make it a non-gym workout day and to a run, long walk with Mack, or soon very soon... swimming. 

Cuz Bra's and Gal's it's getting warm here in Northern California. Finally. 

In a way this week has been tough because I haven't gotten the results on the scale that I wanted and that is ok. Because I've been going to the gym and I regaining muscle, so their are times when the scale with go up and down when you add working out and weights into the mix. Maybe I will hold off on the weights and just do all cardio for the next 2 weeks. Actually, that is what I'm going to do.

Here is the run down Bloggeee's. 

Total Weight loss this week 2.6 Pounds! 

Weight Loss so far: 7.26 pounds
Weight left to loose 52.7 pounds

10 Pounds (April 10th)
20 Pounds (April 20th)
30 Pounds (May 20th)
40 Pounds 
50 Pounds 
60 Pounds (Jump Up N Down! Party)

I'm feeling good and proud of myself. Cheers to week #3.

* Isagenix is a cleanse program targeted to regain natural energy and natural weight loss. The opinions of the product and the results are my own . If you are interested in using the products, please visit. *

Thursday, March 31, 2011

I Heart Gmail

There are so many things that you can do with Gmail. I love it. I'm an android and my phone is powered by google. I have currently have the droid X. 

Side note: Love love this phone.

Anyway, I've used write in calendars and white boards in my kitchen. Nothing works for me to remember the hundreds of tasks a day that I need to do, appointments, cleaning schedule, hubs schedule, Mack's, Bills, Birthday's, and last but not least blogging. 

What is the one thing that we rarely forget on a daily basis... yes, the phone.

Having email on phone is awesome and so convenient. So, I thought to myself if my email is so nice to have, then why the heck don't I utilize my google calendar through my email. I me Der!

Gmail offers so many awesome tools with your calendar. You can make several calendars aside from your normal calendar.

These are mine:
* My main calendar
* Cleaning
* Ian
* Mack
* Appointments
* Pay Days
* Bill Due Dates
* Blogging
* Birthday's
* Overtime

These are the things that I need to remember on a day to day basis. I add everything else under my main calendar. The great part about Gmail is that it offers you to make all these different calendars... to your little heart's content and color code them. You can set up reminders and even have a text sent to you if you don't can't get email to your phone or look at your google calendar. 

No more to do list's, planning for the week on post it's. It's all contained in the palm of my hand, and it alerts me by sound, so I never forget a thing.... How great is that. If you haven't used your gmail account to it's full potential, then you have to try it out. 

If you have any questions or need help, please don't hesitate to leave me a comment, or email me @

I work with google powered email through work and my personal, so I'm pretty well rounded with it. 

What do you do keep yourself organized with your to do tasks and such?
Do you keep it on a calendar or write it down?
What works' for you the best?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Constructive Criticism and you!

I've been thinking for a little bit about what my readers like and don't like about my blog. I've been blogging for almost a year. Weee... blog anniversary party. I'm curious to see what you overall think of my blog and what you don't like. I have a couple of questions to ask and I'm hoping you can answer them for me. I love to blog and share things about me, my child and my life, but I don't want to bore you guys to death. 

What do you like the most about my blog?

Are my posts too long? Too short?

Do my topics and posts interest you or put you to sleep?

What do you wish I wrote more about?

What interests you and what do you like to read on other blogs?

Thanks so much for your feedback. I'm willing to take positive or negative. 
